Want to create an incentive for your staff to upsell certain items? Want an easy way to track those sales? Whether you're looking to sell more of your signature cocktails, seasonal entrees, fresh catch of the day, delicious dishes that don't get a lot of attention, or...
Squirrel Tips
Centralize restaurant employee communications using Squirrel POS
We’ve all been there – you need to communicate something to your restaurant team and struggle to find the best channel to do so. E-mail blast? Social media group? Scheduling software? Memo printed on the staff room wall? What about when a message is more...
Tips For Keeping Your Restaurant Data Secure
With the recent news of a widely known and visited fast-food chain being a victim of a data security breach that impacted 5 million people, owners and operators in the hospitality industry are scrambling. All of a sudden, the implications of transactional and other...
How Our Pricing Works
Get in touch with one of our sales reps to tell us about your business—and your wish list for growth. We'd be happy to line up what's best for you. At Squirrel, we offer our customers a flexible solution designed to help achieve the vision they have for their...